Loves Me / Loves Me Not

We’ve all had our heart broken at one point in our lives. Probably several times, even. In losing love, we are forced to rediscover our identity; what we believe, what we stand for, and who we are as an individual.
Following the critical success of HUMPTY DUMPTY DADDY, a story of fatherhood and mental health, LOVES ME / LOVES ME NOT is JC Clapham’s new storytelling show about losing love but finding yourself (and all the shit in between).
LOVES ME / LOVES ME NOT premiered at Melbourne Fringe Festival in September 2017, and is planned to tour a range of cities and towns in 2018.
“It is a portrait of disappointments and loneliness, shrouded under the impenetrable cloud of depression, wonderfully performed by the 35-year-old on the back of his successful debut with Humpty Dumpty Daddy.
“In this meditation on identity and reflection, delivered with delicate wit and humour, we relate with the intricate fabric of one talented man’s story, and witness his exceptional capacity for confidence and candour.”
Upcoming shows
See JC Clapham at one of his upcoming shows.Alternatively, you can enquire about booking JC to perform a one-off show for your community/organisation/conference. Go to the 'Contact' page and get in touch 🙂
City | Date/s | Show | Tickets/info |