Profiled in The Westsider
My local community newspaper The Westsider, which covers the inner west of Melbourne, ran a profile of me in their November issue.
My local community newspaper The Westsider, which covers the inner west of Melbourne, ran a profile of me in their November issue.
Pretty chuffed to be this month’s featured profile in my local community newspaper. I mention having a breakdown mid-2016. Because I did. And I feel no shame about that. A…
Review of Loves Me/Loves Me Not by Vera Poh of Melbourne Arts Review. JC Clapham tells us quite a lot of stories in his new story-telling comedy, many of them…
SANE Australia asked me about some of the fears people may have in asking ‘R U OK?. Have a read of their article – I hope my thoughts might be…
ABC Radio Darwin interviewed me about my show HUMPTY DUMPTY DADDY, which I delivered at the Darwin Fringe Festival. I really enjoyed the conversation with the lovely Rebecca McLaren. We…
Review of HUMPTY DUMPTY DADDY in WeekendNotes during Adelaide Fringe 2017. “…has a charming way of engaging the audience in his tales. He takes dark subject matter and makes it…
Review of HUMPTY DUMPTY DADDY by Tom Bowden of The Advertiser, during Adelaide Fringe 2017. “We need more shows like this and more discussions about this subject. This is not…
Review of HUMPTY DUMPTY DADDY by theatre reviewer Vera Poh during Melbourne Fringe 2016. “Clapham clearly knows that the showing of emotions is a strength. To do what he has…